Chem – LESSON 13: Gas Laws

What is the lesson about?

This lesson is about how gases behave. It allows you to define them in terms of several characteristics. It also teaches you about more simple definitions like pressure and temperature and more complicated situations like how gas can change under different conditions like temperature.


Why is it critical to understand?

Learning how gases work prepares you with information for later lessons like reaction rate, equilibrium, and electrochemistry. It also has many real world applications such as telling you when gas build up can become dangerous, how explosions work, what causes a car engine to move, and why balloons with rise and fall.


What should you know before attempting this lesson?

If you have trouble in this lesson go back to sections on EquationsSolving for an UnknownUnit Conversions, Calculating the Molar Mass of Compounds, Molecules and States of MatterStates of Matter in a Chemical Equation, Balancing Chemical Equations Part 1Grams to Moles Conversions and Combining Stoichiometry and Molar Mass.


New Learning Sections:

—> Kinetic Molecular Theory

—> Pressure Conversions

—> Temperature Conversions

—> Ideal Gas Law

—> Dynamic Gas Laws (Boyle’s, Charles’, Combined)

—> STP (Standard Temperature and Pressure)

—> Gas Stoichiometry

—> Partial Pressures

—> Effusion


Reference Pages:

—> Standard Periodic Table

—> Gas Law Equations, Conversions, and Constants Sheet





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